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Support Me on Patreon - Please.

Hi, everyone!

Despite the fact I launched my Patreon page a long(ish) time ago, I haven't been nearly as diligent when it comes to actually getting patrons and generating funding for my work. That's on me, but it's an issue I'd like to remedy moving forward.

I do have good news to share! A lot of composition opportunities have arisen that I have the privilege of taking a part in (more details to come later), and with the close of the school year, I've had the time to increase my musical output substantially. Furthermore, I'm making an effort to branch out and provide educational content, as well (see the above video), using mediums like games to generate interest in music and hopefully inspire creativity amongst my viewers.

That said, in order to keep my music output meaningful and take it to the next level, I require things that need more than just time and practice. Programs and virtual instruments and other such necessities for better music/videos cost money, and unfortunately, I'm not at a spot where I can shoulder the burden of these expenses.

I'm not one to impose my financial situation on others, and I certainly don't want to make you feel compelled to donate for the sake of donating. However, every little bit helps. Even if you can only contribute $1, it's still $1 more than I had before going towards investment in the tools of the trade.

Obviously, I shouldn't be getting something for nothing. Those that take the time to fund me do me a great service, and as such, you should be allowed certain benefits and privileges. In essence, that's what Patreon is. And now, I'm afraid I must impose on all of you once more...what are some perks/benefits you want to see given to patrons? Free music? Something else entirely? I don't know unless you tell me. I welcome any suggestions you might have.

For the TL;DR crowd:

1. Please consider funding/donating.

2. What perks/benefits would you like as patrons?

Thanks for reading!

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